Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I like lists....

I don't actually like lists all that much...but recently some people in my life have mentioned the fact that they fulfilled things they "always wanted to do" so I decided to make a list....yes folks this is my bucket list.
In no particular order....

1. Swim with Sting Rays in the Caman Islands.
2. Go to the Caman Islands
3. Go scuba diving
4. Own a salon
5. Graduate college with a bachelors degree
6. Ride the carriage around Temple Square during Christmas time.
7. Go to Europe
8. Go to a Foreign Country
9. Do a loopty loop in an airplane
10. Go to all the major Church History sites
11. Go to some major Civil War sites
12. Go to New York and see the Statue of Liberty
13. Go to Disneyland
14. Go parasailing

Please note I reserve the right to change this list at anytime....:)

So yeah those are a few of the things I want to do in my life. They are really just random things but I think that is the point. Now at least someday when I get to do one of them (or hopefully all) I can say "I just did one of the things that I have wanted to do all my life" and when that day comes I will just smile inside...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats a good list!!!!! i have one too!!! I love thinkin about when i actually get to do it!!!