So tomorrow it will be five years since my Dad passed away. For those of you who don't know he was killed in a motorcycle accident. Someone passed illegally and well yeah. It still seems strange most days...not having him around. I know people always say Time heals all wounds but I don't think that is true...I think that we become stronger. I don't think it will ever go away..nor do I expect it to. I will always miss my Father but I know with out any doubt in my mind that I will see him again!!! I also know that he keeps on eye on me, he lets me know in little ways. A song here, a funny joke there. Anyhow the real reason I am writing this is because I wanted to give ya'll a little glimps of what my Dad is like. These are a few of the things I miss most...He had this laugh that was almost like a snicker...like he had some inside joke that made what ever was funny even funnier. He laughed often and always enjoyed a good joke. We used to watch football together and he would swear at the refs for making a bad call even if they were right. He always had a five o'clock shadow...lol...he could shave and like two minutes later his face was all stubbly again. He loved all things outdoors, camping, fishing, 4 wheeling. He was the hardest worker I have and I am pretty sure I will ever know. He rebuilt our house with 3 blown discs in his back...I don't know about you but I have tweeked my back and little and it hurt like crazy! So I can't imagine 3 blown discs. He loved to figure things out...how to wire the house...how to fix a car...what ever he just liked learning. He was so impatient whenever we had to stand in line or anything but he would drive slowly down the country roads just to look at scenery. He loved to chat with people...he made friends very quickly. Mom or I would ask him to run to the store for eggs or something and he would be gone forever...cuz he found someone to talk to...he used to call me and talk...but sometimes I would get frustrated cuz he could turn a 3 minute conversation into a 15 mintue one...lol..I miss that. He had gas ALL the time...lol...he would make it stink and then laugh while we all gagged. He LOVED to play jokes on anyone one of his favorite was to sneak up on someone (especially in the dark) and make a snarling noise....my Mom was often his favorite victim....:) He had a stubborn streak, and often a one track mind...once he made his mind up about something it was hard for him to let it go. He was great at working with wood and metal and often made things for us using the scroll saw. He spoiled me rotten...I am such a Daddy's girl. I don't know maybe all these things don't add up to you but they are all these little memories that to me add up to a whole lot. He is a great man and a great Dad...the best I could have ever asked for...he was not perfect haa haa...he would often lose his temper with his tools or what ever and then he would swear at them...he has this kind of Donald Duck voice and then you knew he was really mad....stupid **&#&* tools why did you fall on the *&((*&# floor!! Haa haa...I miss him and I can't wait to see him again when the time comes and feel his stubble face and give him a huge hug!! Well thanks for sticking with me...I know this is a long post but I just wanted to leave you with a poem I wrote for him when he died...I remember this poster he got for my Mom when she started teaching called "Everything I needed to know in life I learned in Kindergarten" For some reason I remembered him getting her that so this poem is kind of like that....
"Everything I need to know I learned from my Dad"
Everything can be fixed...eventually
No one is lost forever
You never have to "grow up" you just have to pay a few bills
Talking to yourself is ok
Paint DOES NOT wash out of clothes
If you want pizza for dinner ask Dad to cook
Laughter really is the best medicine
If you tease someone enough they will get back at you eventually
Share what you have, even if you don't have much
Live for those you love
Pain can be ignored
Work hard, it is always worth it
Play as much as you can, as hard as you can
Honor your promises
Love your family, and they will return your love
So there ya have it...my Dad...he was kind of crazy but I love him!
Shawna..Your dad was and is still a great guy. I remember when I would come over to your house and hang out with Greg..Your mom and dad were a great couple. At least we have the gospel and we know family can be together forever..
I loved your dad is was always so funny and such a kid himself.I'm sure he misses you as much as you miss him and the day will come when you can be together again. Love ya girl.
What a beautiful tribute, Shawna. Your dad sounds fantastic. It makes me so happy to know that you and I both know that you will be with your dad again...forever. Love you, girlie, and thanks for sharing.
Your Dad is an awesome guy. He always made me feel welcome at your house. Reading your post about him brought tears to my eyes. You are definitely a stronger person without him here on earth.
My Mom remembers being on the ambulance with him when they volunteered together. She always talks very highly of him.
Thanks so much for posting about him. I can't believe it's been 5 years already.
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