Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tenika invite me to your blog!

Haa I keep trying to view your blog and I have not been invited...well I was but I didn't accept cuz I am dunb like that...anyhow I am bored out of my mind as usual!! Eric and Jen are writing their talks for church tommorrow so I am gooofing around trying not to annalyze anything too much.

So I am trying to sound optomistic but I truly belive this. I am so greatful for the promises and blessings of a loving Heavenly Father! Somedays it is really hard to be patient and to trust that where I am in my life is where I am supposed to be. I know I have lots of work to do but who doesn't I just have to remind myself to keep going day in and day out and that someday my Heavenly Father will keep His end of the bargian if I can just keep mine.

1 comment:

Tenika Dennis said...

Bahahahaha! I got such a kick out of that! Okay, I will invite you. Hopefully it works! How was Utah and how did the talks go? And I want to hear about this "overanalyzing" stuff?!