Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nauvoo the City Beautiful

Well everyone I am here! All safe and sound. The drive out was fairly uneventful. It was so nice to be able to stop last night and rest in Omaha. Thankfully Daniel was able to contact one of the members he taught and she let us (Lori the woman riding with me and I) stay. I got sick last night when we got close to Omaha so it was nice to stop.

I got into Nauvoo at about 6pm today and got situated in my cabin. It is tiny...and I mean tiny...It is about 5ft by 8ft square. But with just me in here it makes it kind of cozy. The AC doesn't work but luckily tonight is a fairly cool night. It is only 78 right now so pray that the weather will stay good please. :) Also tonight I saw a possum. There is a path near my cabin that leads to the main lodge and it went wondering across in the light. The whole camp is surrounded by the thickest woods I have ever seen. I was hoping the lightening bugs would be out but alas the only thing I have found are mosquitoes. Either I am getting slow or the mosquitoes here are ridiculously fast! On any account they are tolerable.

I went to the pageant tonight. It is AMAZING! Parley P Pratt is the narrator and tells how Nauvoo came to be. It is really simple and beautiful in lighting and staging and just all around design. I love this place and the people who sacrificed so much to come here and build the temple and then were driven out and had to go across country to build again. What faith! I love them for it. They are here....the legacy they left for us lingers in this place. If you have never come to Nauvoo you should make it a priority. It truly is The City Beautiful.

1 comment:

Tenika Dennis said...

I'm so glad you made it safely! Nauvoo is a wonderful place and I'm so excited for the experiences you will have.